

Dress Code and Uniform

The Governing Council has initiated the wearing of school uniform by Salisbury Park Primary School students and endorsed the following dress code and uniform policy.

The school provides T-shirt’s and jumpers which can only be purchased from the front office. Our school colours are navy blue and red. No jeans are permitted and navy pants, skirts, and shorts are also compulsory- no patterns, stripes, spots or logos. Students will be allowed to wear blue/white or red/white checked uniform.

Clothing bearing a single commercial logo/motif will be acceptable provided it is no larger than a 50 cent piece.

• No make-up or false nails
• No jewellery except for sleepers or studs in ears 
• No wallet chains or large belt buckles.

The current hat policy requires all children to wear an approved school bucket hat, purchased from the front office (in order to participate in outside PE lessons, recess and lunch activities).

It is essential that the hat remain at school. Any hats that are graffitied or defaced will mean that students will not be allowed to play in the yard and parents will be asked to replace the hat immediately at their cost.

Is the Dress Code and Uniform Policy compulsory?

The Department for Education's  Administration Instructions and Guidelines state: “The Principal of the school must enforce the dress code and uniform policy of the school.”

Thus the dress code is compulsory. Exemption can be sought by writing to the Principal stating the reason.

A note in the child’s diary / homework book is required if students do not wear school uniform.
Students not wearing a uniform without a note will be asked to change into a uniform kept at school. If students do not wish to change into uniform, they have restricted play for that day.

School dress code items can be bought from the office and inexpensively at local discount stores (pants and shorts only), e.g. Big W, K Mart and therefore should be affordable for all.

Uniform Shop

The Uniform Shop is open each morning from 8.30 - 9.00 am.
New uniforms are kept in stock.

The following new uniform items will be stocked in the shop:
Polo Shirts (Navy Blue/Red with School Logo)
Windcheaters (Red/Blue with School Logo)
Blue/White Summer Dress.
Navy track pants or girls bootleg stretch pant.

As students are involved in a Physical Education programme, appropriate clothing is desirable. Clothing must meet acceptable standards and provide sufficient sun protection at all times (e.g. tank tops, crop tops and thongs are NOT appropriate).

It is essential that your student’s clothing is marked with his/her name. Unclaimed, unnamed, lost clothing is deposited in a mission box at the end of each term.
Governing Council reviews the Uniform Policy each year.